[Tutorial] Top Tips For Taking Photos With Your Smartphone

These days mobile photography is trending.
People choose phones according to their camera.
So let’s directly jump to the tips.

1- “Composition if the key” :
You have to prepare for a shot before taking it.
Use gridlines,
understand lighting condition.
Visualize the scene in your mind before you capture.

2- “Use macro lens for macro” :
You can find those lenses for a very cheap price.
Those lenses are very useful if you are a macro lover.
For shooting macros i have some tips :
Use manual focus instead of auto-focus.
sit comfortably, as you body will not shake, otherwise photos can be blurry.
– Patience. Well, while capturing insects you have to keep patience.

3- “Post-Process”
Editing is an art. Editing is fine-tuning your photos. Editing is what you simply can’t do directly from your camera app.
while editing, keep these points in your mind :
– Don’t over-edit.
– Keep your photos natural.
– Get creative with colour-pop & black & white shots.
– Flip puddle shots and be creative.(The first shot below is a puddle)

4- “Quality”
image quality matters. So always select the best quality you can. and clean your lens before shooting.

Good luck.
happy snapping..
credits:- my device (mi max:heart_eyes:)
apelex 20x macro lens
and finally me.

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